A step by step retrofit of an existing end terrace dwelling that will be certified to the EnerPHIT standard. The proposals involve 2 stages of retrofit that will bring the energy use of the dwelling down by over threequarters to 25KWh/m² annum, change the heat generation from gas to an electric heat pump and provide rooftop PV.

Treated Floor Area:  87m²

Annual Heating Demand:  20 KWh/m²

Peak Heating Load: 13 W/m²

Frequency of overheating:  (> 25­°C) 0 %

Airtightness:    1.0ac/h@50Pa

Primary Energy Renewable Demand:   51KWh/m²annum

On site renewable energy generated :   3005 KWh/annum

Embodied Carbon (60 yr lifespan) : RIBA 2030 -TBC kgCO2e/m² LETI TBC kgCO2e/m²


Location: Stockport

Architect: Poulter Architects

Start on site: 2023

Contractor:  Self Build

Construction Value:  TBC

Image:  Poulter Architects