phi Low Carbon also act as consultants to other architects, contractors and clients supporting their aims to achieve Passivhaus standards and low embodied carbon in construction. Our role can include.

  • Early design advise on built form and orientation to optimise form factor and the benefits of useful solar gain during the heating season.
  • Preliminary PHPP assessment to establish fabric U values.
  • Advice on construction options for wall, floor and roof build up to achieve U values and reduce embodied carbon.
  • Advice on the airtightness barrier and line within the thermal envelope to enable ease of construction and avoid interstitial condensation.
  • Advice on window size, configuration and shading to optimise useful solar gains during the heating season whilst limiting excessive solar gain during the summer months.
  • Thermal Bridge Calculations using 2D software anaylsis ( Flixo)
  • Strategies for Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery (MVHR), Heating and Hot water to minimise energy use whilst ensuring the comfort of occupants. Detailed design by specialists.
  • Advice for on site renewables such as solar PV or solar hot water and the extent required to offset any overrun of the PER ( Primary Energy Renewable) Target and/or achieve the Passivhaus Plus or Passivhaus Premium standard. Detail design by specialists.
  • Submission of pre- construction PHPP calculations to the Passivhaus Certifier, to ensure any anomalies are addressed ahead of construction.
  • Calculation of embodied carbon for a building based upon the RICS Whole Life Carbon for the Built Environment. methodology.
  • Supporting contractors on site to achieve airtight construction and advise on when to use of air pressure testing to check for air leakage.
  • Supporting contractors in obtaining records of information and photographs of construction for Passivhaus Certification.
  • As Built PHPP calculations and submission for Passivhaus Certification.