Supplier name: Phi Low Carbon

Publication date: 15.08.23

Commitment to achieving Net Zero

Phi Low Carbon is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2035

Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

Carbon Footprint Data: The data required to complete a Carbon Reduction Plan will come from completing a carbon footprint for our organisation’s emissions from sources in the United Kingdom.

The carbon footprint should be completed in accordance with best industry practice, using the best and latest data available.

Baseline Year: Sept 2021/22
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.
The methodology for measuring our carbon footprint is in line with the Greenhouse Gas protocol and the BEIS Environmental Reporting Guidelines. The calculations were completed on The Business Carbon Calculator powered by Normative through the SME Climate Hub
Baseline year emissions: 30 Sept 2021 – 29 Sept 2022
Estimated total emissions : Country:Sector;
2.05 tonnes CO2eUKConstruction
Scope 2: % of emmisionstonnes CO2e
Scope 3:
Business Travel 9.2%0.169
Purchased Goods and Services 90.8%1.66

Emissions reduction targets We have had no previous emissions reduction commitment. In order to start our progression to achieving Net Zero from the base year 2021/22, we will adopt the carbon reduction target to halve emissions before 2030, in alignment with the 1.5°C ambition.

We project that carbon emissions from heating and electricity will decrease over the next five years due to decarbonisation of the grid.

We are a small SME with a small office space and remote working.

Carbon reduction projects include:

· Agile working to be continued to reduce company business travel and, especially, commuting.

 · Reduced dependency on office space.

· No company vehicles. Active management and reduction of emissions from staff travel.

Strategy for business travel to include the following hierarchy:

Cycle to site where possible, followed by Train travel and car travel only if necessary due to site location

· Staff encouraged to use video conferencing where possible.

· Request office management company to provide information on energy supplier with a view to drive towards 100% renewable energy (electricity for heating and power in offices).

· IT systems – continue to use cloud storage systems to avoid decentralised storage capacity

· Our target for requesting suppliers/consultants to halve emissions before 2030, in alignment with the 1.5°C ambition is for a minimum of 2 suppliers/consultants to report on this. We will direct our suppliers to publicly available tools and resources like the SME Climate Hub.

We will request suppliers/consultants to report their carbon footprint data to us to improve the accuracy of carbon measurement and engaging with suppliers to support our net zero goal.

· We aim to deliver further reductions in emissions resulting from commuting to work. Encouragement of staff to use low carbon transport methods such as walking, cycling and public transport

Declaration and Sign Off

 This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed on The Business Carbon Calculator powered by Normative through the SME Climate Hub. Normative Carbon Accounting Engine follows the GHG Reporting Protocol standard

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).


Our carbon footprint adheres to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard and is conducted to a reasonable level of assurance.


  • The Department for Transport’s work-related travel guidance helps organisations in the UK measure and manage the greenhouse gas emissions from commuter journeys and business travel: